The Challenge: The relaunch of the MINI brand in 2001 was a huge success. MINI fully established itself as a cult, lifestyle icon, differentiated entirely from the automotive competition. Since that point, multiple competitors have copied both MINI's product and personality. While the expansion of the MINI product range has led to a broader communications approach, threatening its unique positioning.
As a result of these developments, MINI decided to launch a global brand campaign to help increase awareness, brand strength, and desirability. BSSP was one of 5 agencies that competed for the assignment.
Insight: We know from research that MINI represents fun to customers. It’s the antidote to boring, and driving a MINI makes MINI Owners feel like they can break the rules. It’s a way to go against the norm and achieve exhilaration through the performance of the car. We wanted to tap into this “antidote to boring” territory and give people an emotional reason to buy a MINI.
Solution: NOT NORMAL is the mindset that has guided the design of MINI for over 50 years. And it's the same mindset that connects the brand to people who drive MINI today. In a world where so many people are trying to fit in, MINI extends an open invitation to those who would rather stand out. And that is NOT NORMAL.
Results: The Not Normal campaign was well-liked and ran globally, including the US, Germany, UK, Italy, China, and Japan, among other markets. At launch, the campaign garnered almost 140M impressions, and visits to the MINI USA website were up 13.1% from the year prior. Additionally, overall visits to the MINI Configurator were up 22% year over year, Facebook fan growth was up 33% month over month, and Twitter follower growth was up 109% month over month.